Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Arbit Stuff

I haven't posted here for a long time now, and no one else seems to have either :P

I finally get what off-beat means! I mean, I knew what it meant before, but now I finally understood what's so 'off-beat' about it.

Also, lots of Hindi songs (both old and new) have impressed me with their beat patterns. Rehman (or is it Rahman?) seems to have a lot of fun with his beats. Of course, lots of songs don't really use real drums. But whatever the instrument (tabla, weird sounds, etc.), there are many interesting things to look out for!

Oh, the nonsense I have to do when I don't have drums to play :P

New Music :

.1. Hip-hop is for the most part nonsense. The lyrics and the grunts are disgusting! But some songs, as usual, stand out. And the beats are what seem to give the USP to most songs. So that's good. Some good songs : Where did you go (don't know singer :P), Sergio Mendes and Black Peas (Don't know songname :P)....there's good music everywhere :D

.2. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy...Nice song with very unusual sound to it. Cool :)

.3. Sandi Thom - Wish I was a punk rocker : Very cool song! Nothing special about it in terms of music and all. But the lyrics are nice, and true too.

.4. RHCP - It's already been reviewed here, but I would like add my one paisa by saying "Tell Me Baby"'s a very nice song, but unusually ordinary-sounding for RHCP.

.5. Umm...That's it :P

Question for debate : Has the age of rock come to an end? Of course, hip-hop has taken over, but what I mean to say is, have good rock songs and bands that don't sound like something already done before stopped coming out? :(